Friday, March 6, 2009

Why the PCT?

Have you ever had that light go on, lightning strike (not sure why all of the light references, illumination I guess...?) moment where you just knew you had to do something? Well that's what happened to Alex and I when we were driving back from a romantic visit to Sunriver (OR) and passed the Santiam entrance to the Pacific Crest Trail (which will now only be referred to as the PCT, because I'm lazy). Alex and his family had hiked portions of it when he was a kid and they had seen the haggard thru-hikers (someone who does the entire trail at one time, what we'll be doing) and always looked at them with awe and like they were a little crazy. Never did Alex and I think that we would actually be able to be at a point in our lives where we could just leave our lives for five months and not worry about rent, bills, just so happened though that we had just left our glamorous lives in Los Angeles and pursuing ventures in the "industry" for the Bay Area and a little break. We're currently living with family (we love you Grandma!) and don't have rent (I swear we offered!), careers (we'll get to how we're paying for this later) or kids or other ties that we can't leave. So it's off to find ourselves in the woods, without showers, toilets, much food, or white noise (I haven't slept without the whirr of a fan since I was a baby)...